My rosé-fuelled forecast last month received so many positive comments that you’ve officially given me permission to have a glass of wine while writing, so thanks! Apparently, my husband likes me better after “at le ...
Guys, I have a confession to make. I got into the Easter chocolate a bit early when writing my April forecast. And by chocolate, I mean wine. So, the forecast may be a bit more, um, lively than usual. (I believe glass nu ...
This month offers some nice creative, reflective opportunities. Overall, it feels easier than January and February. Aside from what’s happening in your own personal chart (which could be very difficult), on a munda ...
The first few months of 2021 really introduce us to the major themes that will be playing out this year. While there are a few sweet moments this month, the first exact Saturn-Uranus square (and a Mercury retrograde) wil ...
2021 has barely entered the building, and I have so many exciting things to share with you including two new types of consultations, new classes, Astrology Niagara’s 2021 schedule, and more! A Busy January I’ ...
Over the last month or so, I can’t tell you how many people have asked me about the astrology of 2021 with wide eyes and bated breath. “2021 has to be better than 2020, right?” they say. And overall, yes, I would a ...
I am so delighted to be able to share with you that not only does Astrology Niagara have an amazing new website, but I have solidified our 2021 Monthly Speaker Series which will continue to be online all year long. The t ...
This month is absolutely jam packed. There is so much to talk about with so many big changes ahead. We are ending this monumental year in a monumental way, and the pace picks up the further we get into the month. ...
November signals one of the most anticipated months of the year given the U.S. Election. People around the world (especially Canadians like me) are fascinated/nervous to see how events unravel (I mean, unfold). Last nigh ...
There's no way around it; October is going to be a tough month. How much or how little it will affect you depends upon your own personal birth chart. Here's a big picture glance at the weeks ahead. ...