Example: Morning, around lunch,
around dinnertime, evening. Was the hospital quiet because it was the night shift for example?
For example, was the cord wrapped around your neck, were you overdue or early, Caesarian, breech, etc.
Significant Life Events for Chart Rectification
Please provide as many significant life events as possible. Between 6 and 10 is ideal for rectifying a chart.
Be sure to include the date, location and even time of the event if known. Significant events may
include marriages, pregnancies/births, deaths of close family/friends, separations, major relocations or
moves, major career changes, major changes in finances, or any big “firsts” like first moving out of your
parents’ home, first day of university/college, first big job, etc.
Areas of life that flow well.
Areas of life that you have needed to work at or that feel blocked.
(For example, do you always feel poor but in reality have sufficient savings? Is money easy come, easy go? Are you a saver? Etc.)