June 2021 Forecast

Posted in Forecasts.

June 2021

It feels like June is pretty busy from an astrological perspective. We’ve got Venus and Mars both moving forward into new signs, a Mercury retrograde, hit number two of this year’s Saturn-Uranus square, our first solar eclipse of the year, and a change of direction for both Jupiter and Neptune. All in thirty days!

Here’s a closer look:

June 2 – Venus enters Cancer

Venus leaves the sign of Gemini today and purrs its way into Cancer. (I can’t wait until my beloved HomeSense is open again, so I can scratch this Venus-in-Cancer itch!) The focus is less social butterflying and more intimate gatherings. As you likely know, Cancer is the nurturer of the zodiac, so this position is very tender, empathetic and sensitive. I’m hoping it correlates with some openings of business like, say, restaurant patios, where we can nurture our most intimate relationships through a simple thing like a “date night”. When’s the last time you and your significant other had a proper date night? (I’m especially talking to you parents out there who probably haven’t had a break from your children since before Christmas.) In addition to nurturing our most intimate relationships, it’s time to also nurture ourselves. How are you taking care of yourself in this ongoing saga? When’s the last time you treated yourself to something? When’s the last time you stole an hour or two to do something indulgent? Now’s your time and your chance especially with Venus trine Jupiter…

June 3 – Venus trine Jupiter

What’s not to like about this? Venus in Cancer trine Jupiter in Pisces… What a lovely day or two with this beautiful influence. If you’re a creative type, this could be a free-flowing feel-good inspired time. If we were allowed to get our hair done in Ontario, it would be a nice day for it. (Can’t you feel my Mars in Cancer passive-aggressive comments about the lockdown? There are more to come.) Maybe you should dig out that nail polish and paint your own damn nails. Maybe you should go to the drug store and dye your own damn hair. Allow yourself a day of indulgence because if anyone deserves it, it’s you! (Yes, I’m drinking a glass of wine!)

June 5 – Mercury square Neptune & Mars opposition Pluto

So… y’all know that Mercury is retrograde right now. Even when it’s direct, Mercury struggles in a square to Neptune. It’s confusion. It’s crossed wires. It’s a lot of guessing and second guessing. But Mercury retrograde square Neptune. Ick. It’s a rough day for communications. Top this off with a Mars-Pluto opposition (major power struggles) which creates a T-square aspect with the Aries Moon, and I’m rethinking my two astro consults scheduled for this day. I’m making a note to implement a back up plan if Zoom fails and a reminder to choose my words really carefully. Knowledge is always power… even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.

June 10 – Solar Eclipse & Sun conjunct Mercury

Here’s our first solar eclipse of the year in the sign of Gemini… and it’s conjunct Mercury square Neptune (ugh). Solar eclipses have an uncanny way of pulling back the curtain to reveal the plain truth of a situation—the puppeteers, the ones running the show. But more often than not, this reveal only comes days after the eclipse. Remember, a solar eclipse is especially dark. You can’t trust exactly what you see at the time, and you’ll need to wait.

This solar eclipse takes place at 19 degrees 47 minutes of Gemini. If you have planets within say five degrees (max) of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and/or Pisces), you may be more affected than others at this time. Check what house these planets in mutable signs are in. While a solar eclipse is technically a New Moon, I would wait a minimum of three days before initiating a new activity… and even then, it’s not really advised given Mercury retrograde. Whatever can wait, should wait. And if there’s anything we’ve learned to do here in Ontario, Canada, it’s to wait. (I told you there would be more digs.)

June 11 – Mars enters Leo

Okay, finalllllly, some good news. Bye bye passive aggressive Mars in Cancer. Hello straight shooter Mars in Leo. We’ve been waiting for you! Let’s stop feeling sorry for ourselves and get this party started! Mars in Leo is confident, dramatic, bold and slightly (or majorly) magnetic… it just depends on the day. This shift from Cancer to Leo is a bit like letting the lion out of the cage; there’s no telling what can happen, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s a step in the right direction. Mars does really well in fire signs. Mars in Aries has this boundless, direct, honest energy. In Sag, it’s confident, optimistic, and very laid back. In Leo, it almost sparkles and shines.

June 13 – Sun square Neptune

I’m hoping we’re all still on a little high with Mars’ entrance into Leo, but today can feel a bit confusing and low energy with a Sun-Neptune square.

June 14 – Saturn square Uranus hit #2

So how did that first hit of the exact Saturn-Uranus square go for you? (It was February 17, 2021.) Here’s exact hit number two. There’s no way around it; it’s a frustrating, tension-filled aspect. And, to make matters a bit worse, there’s a Leo Moon involved which means Saturn is opposing the Moon, and both the Moon and Saturn are squaring Uranus (a T-square): The future vs. the past. New ways of doing things vs. old ways of doing things. Boundaries vs. freedom. Old vs. young. There’s a lot going on here. Let’s see how it plays out on the world stage with a few weeks on either side being of particular interest.

All I can suggest is that you consider where 13 degrees of fixed signs fall in your chart. For me, I’ve got a lot going on in these areas… my Saturn, my Mercury, my Uranus and pretty close to my Mars as well… and it’s all in my first, fourth and tenth houses (angular houses) which means action in these areas of my life. (There has been nothing but action in these areas of my life since the beginning of the year, so I am feeling it big time!) Where is it going to land for you and what do you expect to happen? I would love to hear from you. Post your comments below!

June 20 – Jupiter retrograde, Summer Solstice & Sun enters Cancer

Happy Father’s Day to all those amazing men who nurture, protect and inspire others! So, Jupiter’s station retrograde today is kind of a sad one because this signals his movement away from lovely Pisces (despite being only two degrees in) and heading back toward Aquarius. Within a month’s time, Jupiter will be back in Aquarius after its holiday in Pisces. But we’ve had a wee taste and won’t soon forget how lovely it was. Jupiter simply has more work to do in Aquarius before re-entering Pisces for a full term.

The Summer Solstice occurs this same day which also signals the Sun’s entrance into Cancer. As it always does this time of year, the spotlight turns to our families, our homelands and our traditions. We quite literally spend more time in the water (in the northern hemisphere at least) trying to cool down. If you’re a Cancer Sun, you are caring, empathetic and sensitive… but you are also moody and can change like the tides. You fear more than you let on. You sidestep a lot in life. It’s quite the talent you have. (I tell my students to watch a crab on the beach for about 10 minutes; this is the best education for understanding a very Cancerian individual.) You’ve learned that if you hide long enough beneath the sand, sometimes people just forget why they were angry with you. But you are so lovable, and it’s hard to even be mad at you! Dear Cancer, you are our protectors. We love you and celebrate you this month!

June 22 – Mercury turns direct

Yes, Mercury stations direct today (6 pm EST to be exact) BUT it’s not out of its storm until the end of the month, so don’t get toooooo excited. Although, let’s face it, we are at least heading in the right direction (literally) as of today. You can expect things that have fallen through the cracks over the last month or so to resurface. Now you just need to spend the next eight days or so sorting all of those findings out.

June 23 – Sun trine Jupiter & Venus opposition Pluto

This is kind of a mixed-bag day: A Sun-Jupiter trine is usually quite nice. It’s optimistic and cheery. But the Venus-Pluto opposition is kind of the opposite. It’s intense. It’s a take-no-prisoners-approach. So… just treat relationships with kid gloves today and perhaps stay away from your bank card and credit card.

June 25 – Neptune retrograde

With Jupiter already in retrograde motion, Neptune’s station retrograde just kind of feels like some magic is being pulled back for those living in Pisces-land. Neptune is at about 23 degrees when it starts heading backwards and remains retrograde until early December where it stations direct at around 20 degrees of Pisces. If you have important angles or planets around 20-23 degrees of a mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and/or Pisces) this could mean you might be affected with the Neptunian pink fog. The retrograde motion does allow us to turn into ourselves a bit and reflect, so it’s certainly not a bad thing. And Neptune’s retrograde motion just means that we are going to see some beautiful sweet Pisces sparks fly in 2022 when Jupiter and Neptune meet up in a nirvana-like conjunction. (Neptune is just saving itself for that!)

June 27 – Venus enters Leo

It feels like Venus just entered sweet Cancer, and it’s already leaving? Yup. With both Venus and Mars in Leo now, the quiet Sun feels entertained (perhaps overpowered?) by these two feisty characters. Venus in Leo is bold. It’s Harlequin Romances. It’s grand gestures. It’s hiring a mariachi band to play outside your lover’s window. It’s Romeo and Juliet. It’s all out fun, and I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait! I’m hoping this shift means that we’re entering July seeing a bit more clearly (with Mercury direct) and having a bit more fun (with Mars & Venus in Leo).

Until then astro friends!

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